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Around this time last year, I knew I wanted to create another project to release. I never really knew what it was going to look or sound like. I had a bunch of songs to choose from but I gravitated towards these 5 tracks. I find they are all related to each other in some way & they all carry this overall theme of parting from things you love or a life you used to know.
One night I began thinking about how nice the names of flowers were & I went on a search of what some flowers can represent. I came across “the saddest” flower Lily. Particularly, a white Lily.
The past few years have been odd & I’ve been losing people that are really important to me. It’s constantly on my mind so I really needed to put that grief into something. I am beyond grateful I’m able to just sit down, put headphones on & get lost in making music. It’s a different world for me where I can escape from my constant stress & worries. Creating Lily was healing in a way. It hasn’t fixed anything but it helped having the outlet. The white represents peace which I think, in the process of creating this EP, I found a bit of peace & acceptance. The flower represents grief, endings, dedication & change. I’m terrified of releasing this project but I’m trusting my gut that it’s good. I spent a lot of time on it but I’m also not the best!
I love having these projects of mine existing somewhere others might stumble upon it & feel something (hopefully something good).
I honestly have no clue if anybody will like these songs but I’m glad to be done with them for now. I’m working in a new space now & it’s not the best for mixing at the time of finishing this EP so I really do apologize if they don’t translate.
With that said, it’s a project that captured an important time in my life & I think that’s what matters most to me right now. I’m learning all the time about recording, production, mixing & mastering but I still cannot get to the level I’d like to be. It would be best to work with people who have mastered each separate craft but this is all I can do now unfortunately.
Regardless, I am proud of this EP & hopefully, it’s worth checking out.
I'll be using this page as a quick shoutout for some of the artists that I personally know who are working hard to accomplish their goals/ambitions. I would like to share how I met them & what they have been up too. These artists will range from Musicians, Singers, Producers, Songwriters, Streamers, Authors & hopefully many more. I have a deep appreciation for the people I choose to share here & it would mean so much to me if you could go check out their work if you're interested.